Opernwelt, January 2017 (German)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 2016 (German)
Auditorium, 2015
Opera, June 2015
Opernwelt, June 2015 (German)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 2013 (German)
Opera, 2012
Opernwelt, May 2012 (German)
Financial Times, March 2012
Cape Argus, March 2012
Opera, May 2011

“In a country where the performing arts is perforce obsessed with “outreach”, “audience transformation” and “development”, this year´s Umculo Cape Festival production of Henry Purcell´s semi-opera The Fairy Queen breaks ground on several fronts even as it raises eyebrows. (…)
This is no cute school choir for do-gooders to sentimentalise over. The production makes a solid break with a European habit of infantilising Africans. These a serious young adults exploring in a safe space sexual angst, their sexual orientation and openness to love. (…)
As did all concerned: this was an invigorating effort from an industrious young company bravely shaking up old formulas.”
Brent Meersman (Financial Times, March 2012)